If you have a big vision for your business - you’re in the right place.


You are just the kind of visionary leader I love to work with - ambitious, impact-driven but also frustrated, because you KNOW more is available for you. Something is blocking you (actually, a number of things) and you want to fully clear that and create sustainable success.

In this Mastermind, I partner with you to create your aligned and scalable strategy and support you with the energetics, healing and psychology you need so your business success reflects your highest inner potential.

If you’re brilliant at what you do but sometimes feel held back from achieving your full potential because you get in your own way - this Mastermind was created specifically for you.

This is your invitation to the Align + Attract: Business Paradigm Shift Mastermind

Over six months, I will support you to create a Paradigm Shift within yourself - and in your own business. 

In this Mastermind, we will create or refine your aligned plan for growth. You'll receive exceptional energetic support every step of the way as you create your next-level of success.

In this Mastermind, I weave Business Energetics, Healing + Psychology to powerfully support your growth.


I will guide you to set up the Business Energetics required to support your expansion. You'll feel strong, grounded and ready for what's next.

You will heal and release inner blocks, transform old beliefs and gain inner certainty (because those sabotages, upper limits and fears WILL come up - and we'll shift them once and for all).

You will step into your next-level identity and unlock new capacity. I will support you with the tools you need (because you probably WILL fall back into negative, old patterns - and you'll finally move past them).

Imagine feeling deeply supported as you finally create the success you always knew you were capable of. 

If this sounds like exactly what you need - I'd love to work with you.

I'm ready to join!

What does this Mastermind include?

We’ll work together for 6 months. Our next intake starts Feb 1st.

This Mastermind is a high-touch experience with a 90 min initial 1:1 planning call, 3 x group calls a month + week day support in Slack for all your questions.

The experience also includes curriculum and a growing library of healing and psychology tools created by Kerry according to what you and the group specifically require as you work towards your goals.

You'll be surrounded by inspiring and ambitious business-owners just like you.

Let’s break that down:

  • Initial 1.5 hour session with Kerry to create your specific business growth + energy support plan. 
  • Monthly group Goal + Block Clearing Call with Kerry to clear your path.
  • Monthly Masterclasses focused on the Business Energetics.
  • Monthly group Healing calls with Kerry. Move through challenges and come back into your power.
  • Weekday support in Slack channel (voice memo and chat) for your questions, mindset + support needs.
  • Body of Work Curriculum. Enrich your content, messaging and offers.
  • Library of healing and psychology tools (videos and audios) created for your needs across the 6 months.
  • The Mastermind Container - Kerry has set up this container energetically to support your growth and expansion. 
  • VIP Option - Includes additional intimate group call each month on the Energetics of next-level Expansion + bonus 1:1 60 min session with Kerry. 
Join now!

What can you expect when you join?

You'll receive a welcome email with all the details you need, access to the Kajabi portal, welcome materials, your Mastermind Handbook and links to book your 1:1 call. You'll receive access to our Slack channel right before we begin.

Let's take a look. PRESS PLAY:

Why did I create this?

Intuitively, I recognised there was a Paradigm Shift taking place in the online space. I went deep into this energy. What is really required to thrive when everything is shifting? Agility. Resilience. Leadership.

To create new levels of success at this time, you need to create a Paradigm Shift within you AND your business. This Mastermind is carefully designed to help you do exactly that so you can grow your business in the energies of today.

I created this Mastermind to support you with the specific Business Energetics, alignment, healing and psychology that you need when creating new levels of success. 

You might be feeling the call to evolve your body of work to better meet the needs of your clients in today's energies. This is exactly what I have done. The Mastermind includes curriculum to support you in that process.

I KNOW you're ready for more success. And this Mastermind will help you break through to that next level.

The Align + Attract - Business Paradigm Shift Mastermind is for you if:

You have already achieved success in your business. You make good consistent money in your business, maybe what some would consider great money - but you want to grow. 

You do brilliant work, you’re highly sensitive and you desire growth on your terms. You've done courses, had coaching, been in Masterminds or memberships - you can trust yourself to show up and do the work required to expand.

You’re ready to step into the next evolution of your work. You know that your Stuff will be activated by your desire for growth (this Mastermind will help with precisely that).

You have big dreams that extend beyond money. You want it all - whatever all is for you. The incredible impact, relationship, family, money, friendships, health, wellbeing, joy.

You know that what holds you back - is often you. You doubt. You get distracted. You can lack consistency. You hit upper limits. Sabotage pops up. In the past, growth has often come with energy challenges (that's why this container calls you). 

But now? You’re ready. It is your time. 

You are ready for your Breakthrough.

Important note: If you are in the early stages in your business or experiencing financial instability, it's not the right time to join this container. This Mastermind assumes a solid foundation of an existing audience, some business and strategy knowledge, the ability to create and sell offers, and financial stability, because that is required to maximize your return on investment. If you do not have these in place, focus there for now.

I'm ready for this!

Who is Kerry?


Kerry started her Kinesiology business in Melbourne in 2009 and the following year scaled her business to full time - seeing up to 70 clients a month for years.

Kerry weaves numerous modalities including Kinesiology, Reiki, NLP and Positive Psychology to support you to completely reprogram your conscious and subconscious, shift your energy, connect with your innate wisdom and align to your goals.

An innovator and leader in the field, Kerry first saw clients online in 2012. She moved entirely online in 2014 when she began to focus exclusively on supporting successful online entrepreneurs. 

Kerry has supported her clients as they’ve surpassed income milestones, had multi-hundred thousand dollar launches, made an extra $20k or $35k after something specific unlocked in ONE session, let go of issues they’ve carried for decades, and completely transformed their businesses - and lives.

You are SO ready for this.

And I can't wait to work with you.

Your next step? Complete this quick application form.

Let's check we are a great fit for each other. I'll get in touch within a couple of days to chat with you. Then when we've decided the Mastermind is a brilliant next step for you, you can sign up below.





  • 6 Months Mastermind support
  • You receive a discount for paying in full
  • Save $100 on monthly payments


$500 x 9


  • 6 Months Mastermind support
  • Extended payment plan
  • Manage your cash flow and feel more spacious with your payments




  • 6 Months Mastermind Support
  • 6 x Monthly Tailored Small Group Calls on the Energetics of Expansion
  • 1 bonus 60 min 1:1 Call with Kerry

Your Next Steps...

I hope you’re feeling excited about how this Mastermind could support you - I know I am.

This Mastermind is not about learning more (though you will). You probably already know enough. It's about deeply connecting you with your own power. Not through accident - by careful design.

Joining a Mastermind can be a big decision. If you'd like more details, you can read about this Mastermind in this Google Doc (couldn't fit everything on this page!)

I’m so happy to talk with you about any questions you have.

You might want to know more about how this Mastermind could specifically help you to grow - and I'd love to explore this with you.

You can send me a voice or text note on Instagram or email me at [email protected].

I can jump on a call with you to answer any of your questions too. Just let me know and I’ll send you a link to book in.

Once you have all the information you need - join us!

Join now!

Other details to note

The next intake of this Mastermind starts Feb 1st.

You sign up for 6 calendar months and will complete 31st July. You will be able to re-join the Mastermind for subsequent 6 month periods should you choose. 

When are the group call times? Call times are designed to suit multiple time zones and schedules. 9am, 4:30pm and 8pm Adelaide time on Tuesday or Wednesday are the current call times. Please contact Kerry direct for specifics - call times can change to suit group needs.

The purpose of the Business Energetics + Healing group calls is TRANSFORMATION, not learning. You will do the actual Business Energetics work for your business and experience healing shifts within the calls (yes, even if you can only watch the recordings). 

As soon as you join the Mastermind, you get access to the Mastermind portal. Joining early extends your access to existing materials including Business Energetics + healing call recordings and audios in the library. You gain access to Slack support with Kerry and group calls from 1st Feb. Your access to the portal and Slack completes on the last day of your Mastermind experience.

Disclaimer. Of course I cannot guarantee any increase in earnings as a result of your participation in this Mastermind. Your earnings are impacted by many factors and could also decrease. Bear this in mind with any investment.

Questions? Please contact me. I'd love to talk with you about how this Mastermind could specifically support your goals.Â